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Primary Years

Prep - Year 6

In our Primary Years, our curriculum focuses on developing the fundamental knowledge, skills and behaviours in literacy and numeracy and other areas including physical and social capacities that underpin all future learning.

Our classrooms are warm, caring and supportive environments that encourage our students to take risks, have high expectations and do their best.

In our Primary Years, we provide the very best educational journey in a caring, community environment to ensure our students are successful life-long learners.

For more information, please take the time to look at our Primary Years Handbook below:

At A Glance

  • Experienced, enthusiastic and caring teachers 
  • Intentional teaching of literacy and numeracy
  • Access to Secondary Years facilities and expertise
  • High-quality Student Wellbeing program
  • A 21st Century STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths) program
  • Modern, well-equipped classrooms – individually designed to inspire and enhance learning